I have been on a role lately with reading books. My problem is, once I start a book I can't seem to focus on anything else until the book is finished! So, many things are put off and late!
I grew up reading books and loving it! I even worked in a book store for my 2nd job and it was very distracting! I was able to take any book home, read it and return it! As good as a library! But all the new books and magazines were at my disposal. I took my kids to the library each week and we would check out books by the dozens so that they could read or I could read to them.
When we lived in California, I didn't always have a car. So, on the bus we would go-my 5 kids and me! They had a weekly goal for the kids in their book club and if they met the weekly reading goal, they could get a prize like lunch at Burger King. Now that was awesome for the mom because it was "Take the kids to lunch, FREE!" time! Loved that one!
I volunteered at the school in the library so that the kids could check out books. I always wanted to encourage the kids to read!
I haven't been reading much the last few years until recently. I thought I need to focus first on my spritual reading, then I can read the others. But, I am doing okay with that, so I wanted some new reading.
So, where to start. I always liked Nicholas Sparks books. I bought "The Last Song." SAD! Then I read "Dear John" Sad again! Then "The Choice" and last one "The Bend in the Road." I think my all time favorite though is "The Wedding. I won't give away the endings but that one is awesome. We discussed his books this week and some said, someone always dies in his books! Well, true. But there are some really happy endings, too.

My last book was Still Life. WOW! Now, here I was in deep anticipation of the ending on Monday night. Only a little left to finish but I need to go to bed. But here I was up Tues morning at 5:30 reading, trying to get ready to leave by 8:30. I did finish the book at 7:30-which made me late getting ready for service.

I'm a little afraid to get my new books from the library because I get SO distracted! This is one very busy month and it does help me find some relief from the day-to-day stress. I always want books that other people I trust have read because then you don't get deep into them only to find junk you don't want to read about! So, then I don't finish them and I'm really frustrated!
I don't like books or movies that hit home too close. I remember growing up thinking "Dr Zhivago was the most awesome movie! Even wanted to name my 1st child "Lara". Then I realized, HE WAS CHEATING ON AN AWESOME WIFE! O My! Or the same thing with "Bridges over Madison County" Like YIKES! Her husband was working so hard for the family and she just wanted fun! With another man!!!! Or, Mrs Doubtfire. That is too close to my life with my Mom not wanting my Dad to see us.
We went to see "Bounty Hunter" last night. Not the most intriguing move. And there was the gambling problem that was obvious.
I think too many times I let my brain think too much. I mean really, after all, it's just a movie or a book! But, I want a release from the day-to-day stress and not think about things that really are happening. Books are a great way to do that.