I met my "Human" family a few years back. You know when you meet some people, they are just so MUCH fun and SO encouraging to be with, you can't even believe they want to be with you too? Well, that is my "Human" family. We are just a great match!
We have this strange relationship, but it works for us! I adopted Karen's mom as mine! I told her I wanted her as my "Mom" and she agreed. So, we tell people that I am the one child she had that never gave her an ounce of pain or problems.! She just forgot she had me.
Karen agreed to let her be my mom -as long as I am the oldest. Easy deal!
Karen's loves coffee, Loves her family (will do ANYthing for them!) Is an awesome grandma to her 3 grandkids. And struggles with some of the same things I do. She has one thing I don't. She has this infectious laugh! I even downloaded it on my phone! You can pick her out of any crowd. Just wait...... there it is! Karen's here!
Before Sign language, we spent nearly every Sat together-the 4 or 5 of us. Jim and I, Karen and Kelly-her daughter. And whoever else was nearby. We have walked, talked, exercised and ate together!
So, about 2 years ago, Kelly agreed to go with me on an "adventure!" I wanted to go to Omaha to see my granddaughter's baptism and she was willing to travel 11 hours with me and listen to my "Stories" for 4 days! (FYI You can make it all the way from WInnipeg to Omaha on a Starbucks Venti!) She met my family and still likes me!
We will never forget that trip! We laughed ourselves silly, and the phrase "Over the bridge through the lights, left, left" is forever burned in our brains. (If you want the details -that is another blog.)

We joined sign language together-made all our ASL classes together. (How come she is way better?) She makes her mark wherever she goes and our congregation loves her! She can make any pressure filled day be a "No Stress Buddy" day!
Kelly and I have two of the same weaknesses, though. We are both directionally challenged! (Went to the downtown mall and got lost!) This is a hint to the "Over the bridge" explanation! And we both are OCD people-study our WT with a ruler stuff!
One more important thing about Kelly. She has 4 bunnies she lives with that she adores. She is a true animal friendly person. I told her the cows in the pastures on the way to Omaha were pets-all of them!
She will absolutely KILL me for putting these pictures on my blog. But what is "Gma Cheri's life without a Karen and Kelly entry! Sorry Kelly! ILY! (We'll do a bunny blog one day, K?)
I miss Kelly and Karen! When are they coming to Omaha? Tell them hi for me. And wait....Kelly still liked you after "meeting your family"?!? I don't think it was meeting the family that was the test. (: