This is close to how I think of myself right now. Large and wrinkly. Don't even tell me my dear daughter in law about wrinkles! And, mine are NOT smile lines, they are clearly wrinkles! Look at those sags at the top of the legs! Then there's the belly. And those tusks? That is how the "Chin hairs" feel or as I choose to call them-stray eyebrows.
So, I am, once again, back to Weight Watchers. A great friend and I decided it was time.
So, we dragged another friend with us.
The only nice thing is once you have done this before and reached goal-you are now a life time member and don't pay sign up fees. But, this is one club that being a "Life-time member" may or not be something you brag about. Depending on whether you are still at your goal weight. If you are way over (as some nameless people are) people will look at you and say,
"What? Is that what your goal weight is?"
And so, we choose not to brag about it.
I hate the "Goal" thing they start you with. They set your goal at 10 percent of your weight. So, when I looked at that I said, "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING!" That is the 1st 10 percent?
I have gone down this road so many times that I have lost count. It's very familiar. I don't like admitting that I need to do this. I seem to be like a trampoline dieter.
Reach your weight and BOUNCE back up again.
So, yes, we will do this for the __th time. And we won't talk about where we are starting or why we got here, again. I will ONLY tell the downs, you will not hear about the ups of the trampoline. But for two weeks, it's been relatively easy!
I am down 4.6 lbs. YEAH! At least it's going the right direction.
PS. Jim is fine. Took his own stitches out and is less sore. We don't let him near the roof anymore.
You are to funny. Your pictures are hysterical! It's great that you joined WW! Especially with a friend. I've been paying 43 dollars a month for the last 3 months and have not even went in. How stupid is that?!?! Maybe I'll go this week....and maybe not. (: Glad Jim is doing well!