We are in the process of getting a new "Front-Back" door. This would be because it really is the "Front" door as far as how the house was built. However, we don't use this as a "Front" door but a "Back" door and we use the "Back" door as the "Front"door. Always the confusion then when we say it's by the "Back" door. We have never figured out what to call it! However, it is new. Just need the trim and we are good to go out the "Front-Back?" door!
Jim loves projects and technology! He has helped other ones in the hall purchase laptops and become online computer people.
I have a desk in the middle room. It has our laptop, Jim's Archos, his books for the K Hall (calculator, stapler, files,etc) pencils and somewhere in there my sewing machine. We call it "my" desk because it was built for me to have a place to sew and use the computer and all. Well, like the door, it really is not "My" desk but "Our" desk now. Jim's computer stuff, all the K Hall stuff and lots of other stuff are crowding out my sewing machine!
I decided to download pictures today and in my OCD character, I had sorted all the cords a couple weeks ago and put them into baggies so that they would not get all tangled up. This was supposed to allow us to immediately pick which cord we needed. Today I looked for the cord to my camera. Can't find it! Which one is it???? None seem to fit, but I KNOW I just used it a few days ago! Where could it have gone???? Jim! What did YOU do with it???
I left it plugged into the computer from last week!
That is to funny. Hmmm....a front-back door. I believe that is a oxymoron. Do they use that term in Canada? I feel that Keith can fix anything too. Very handy to have around. (: