Well, he found it! The new car! Well, it's new to us anyway and pretty close to new anyway you look at it. It's a Ford Focus Wagon, 2006 and had only 13,000 KM on it when we bought it! So, it met Jim's criteria as the absolute deal. Here tis:
I should have been more specific in my prayers. This was not the "look" I was "Looking for". And, when a younger sister asked what kind of car we got, she then said, "That's an old people's car!" However, Look at these cupholders!!!

And, living in Canada, a great feature it has is.............BUM WARMERS! (heated seats for you Southerners) Yep, cloth (don't like leather in cold weather) Bum Warmers! That will mean a real challenge because everyone will want to sit up front with me and I will have to pick and someone will get their feelings hurt and I will have to settle it in a scriptural manner (Matthew 18 is it?). But one thing I know, I WILL have a warm BUM this winter.
So, I'm getting used to this car.
Also, putting the 1st scratches are absolutely MY responsibility. I get really frustrated with myself because I try SO HARD to be a good driver, and will do really well until I get my mind distracted-upset-thinking, whatever the problem is. Just in general can't turn my brain off, so I will do stupid things and then the next thing you know, yep there it happened. So, never want to disappoint Jim with the 1st scratch, but it's inevitable it seems with me.
Case in point. Last year coming home, went around a yield curve-merging onto traffic. Older guy in a van in front of me stops. (Supposed to MERGE-which I have found that Winnipegers do NOT have merge genes.) He then moves forward, I was thinking he was GOING. I look left to check, no traffic and I go. Well, he went but then STOPPED-did NOT merge. Which means I hit him. I look at his car--4inch scratch. This 4inch scratch will mean an additional charge on my drivers license of $400! They do not raise your insurance here, just tag it onto your drivers license. So, my error is now costing me BIG TIME!
You know, I have come to realize why Winnipegers drive so stinken slow! I need to become one of those "Old People" drivers since I now have an "Old People's car"!
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